Filing a Accident
Insurance Claim
Filing a claim is never easy.
At the Club, we will guide you through
every step of the way.

Let us help you through these difficult times.

Filing an Accident Insurance Claim

Accident Insurance pays benefits when you or a family member (depending on your coverage) becomes injured as a result of a covered accident. If an accident results in an injury requiring medical attention, get the treatment you need before you file a claim with the Club.

What Do I Need to Know?

Your accident insurance plan pays when you incur medical expenses due to an accident. It pays emergency treatment, hospital, lodging and transportation.

How Do I Get Started?

Please contact us to file a claim. The forms you will need to complete are the following:

  • Accident Insurance Claim Form

Where to mail your claim forms?

City Employees Club of Los Angeles
Attention: Claims Dept.
311 S Spring Street. Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90013

To File a Claim

Please contact our Claims Team

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What are covered accidents?

Covered accidents and their payout can be found here.