Contact Us Directly

Phone             (800) 464-0452

Fax                 (213) 620-0398


Our Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Closed Weekends & City Holidays

Club Store and Service Center
120 W. 2nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Free validated parking available to Club Members at Joe's Parking (behind the Club Store)

Club Corporate Headquarters
Washington Building
311 South Spring St. Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90013

What Can the Club Do For You?

We'd love to hear from you! Please provide as much detail as possible so we can respond back to you with the most accurate information. We have a speedy response team so we'll get back to you as soon as we receive your information.

Your Contact Information

How Can We Help You?
Insurance Information Discount Tickets
Membership Inquiry Claims Questions
Alive! Newspaper Information Compliments & Complaints